Our team usually has a picnic each May. This time we went to a park in the city that none of us had been to before. It was by the Danube river and was really nice—lots of green grass! I didn’t feel like I was in Hungary while there (except seeing some big smoke stacks across the river).Well, we almost have everyone smiling and looking at the camera.
We took our little tent for Sienna to take a nap in while Grace and Susanna watched all of our belongings while the rest of us went for a walk. This was the first time Sienna has been in the tent, and the first time we’ve tried for her to take a nap outside (she’s pretty set on being in her bed or a pack ‘n play to sleep). She didn’t sleep, but the girls said that she lay there quietly and patiently the whole hour.
Some of us stopped at the playground for the boys to play. I was taking some pictures of Ethan and Drew, and all of a sudden Ethan held on to the bar above him and threw his feet off. I took a few pictures until he realized that he couldn’t get his feet back on something. The other mom was impressed that I didn’t panic, considering that if his hands slipped then he would fall. I couldn’t reach his feet from the ground, so he was up pretty high just hanging there.
Sienna is pointing, letting Grace know what she wants.
Grace handed her the bad mitten racket, so she is a happy little girl now.
Guess she has learned from her brother what to do with the racket and ball.
In the meantime, Ethan is LOVING playing with the “big” boys. He enjoys tackling them whether it’s playing football or trying to get Ben’s ball cap.
Cade is so gentle with Sienna (he is one year older than Ethan and needs to model this for Ethan :-)). Cade was humming to Sienna and making her laugh.
We ended our day with playing baseball (using a wiffle ball and this huge bat that one couple brought from the States). Ethan had never used a bat before and didn’t have a clue how to play. We were in the outfield first, and he kept telling me that he wanted to play baseball. Of course I tried to explain that it’s not just hitting the ball the whole time. Once he did get a turn to hit, I “helped” him. After hitting the ball, he didn’t want to run to 1st base. Gary had to carry him there. Then after the next person hit the ball, and we all yelled for Ethan to run, he started running straight into right field (like you run to first base and then keep going). It was hilarious! I wish that I would have thought to take a video.
Sienna’s role during the game was to just be cute.
Our team leader and his wife, Trent and Vivian, have served in Europe for 39 years. They are moving back to the States in August. They will be greatly missed!
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