Monday, November 1, 2010

Fall Leaves

I miss seeing the beautiful fall colors in Boone.  There isn’t much of that around here, so it’s nice to have a maple tree in our yard with leaves that change color.  It’s a big tree, so Gary and Ethan have been raking and picking up leaves almost every Saturday in October. IMG_6484  The first time that Gary took Ethan out to rake leaves, we were both surprised at how helpful Ethan was.  He didn’t seem to enjoy using the rake, but he saw Gary picking leaves up and putting them into a container that is for leaves, branches, etc.  Ethan started picking up leaves and putting them into the wheel barrel (which he could reach).  That was actually more helpful because it made it easier for Gary to put them from the wheel barrel into the tall container rather than having to pick them up from the ground himself.IMG_6500Ethan wanted to use Daddy’s gloves, so he tried to pick up leaves using them for awhile, but then decided that they were too big, so he gave them back to Gary.IMG_6503Ethan2cropped Afterward, Ethan loved being taken around the yard in the wheel barrel.

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