Friday, June 12, 2009

First Time Flying Solo

Gary has been in Poland teaching for the last 8 days. His train arrives in Budapest at 10:30 tonight. I'm counting the hours now!
This was the first time that he has traveled since Ethan was born. I was real nervous and dreading him leaving. The first few days that Gary was gone were pretty difficult, but then it got better. Since Ethan's naps are usually 30-45 minutes a couple of times a day, I knew that I wouldn't have much time to cook and clean dishes, so I prepared my meals and froze them before Gary left. I'm so glad that I did that. The hardest part of him being gone was him not coming home in the evening and me eating dinner alone. Thankfully, I did not eat alone Sunday-Wednesday nights.

Monday night Laura and Emily (mine and Gary's 'adopted daughters')came over, and we made pizza. After 3 years of living here, Laura is heading back to the States. I will definitely miss her! Here is a picture of us.
There was a Michael W. Smith concert on Tuesday night. It was the 1st time that he has held a concert in Central or Eastern Europe. Gary encouraged me to go knowing that I would need to get out and socialize, and since this type of thing doesn't happen often. I kept going back and forth, but finally decided not to go. Between getting there, the concert, and getting home I probably would have been gone around 5 or so hours, and that was going to just be too expensive to pay for the concert ticket and a babysitter for that long. I was really disappointed, but I praise the Lord for blessing me with such a great Tuesday. I found out on Monday that Edit's husband was going to the concert, so I invited her and Zsuzsi over for dinner. A couple of different Hungarians invited me to their homes earlier in the day, Michelle and her mother-in-law popped by, and then Edit came over. So, it was a day full of going from one social thing to another... which Ethan and I both loved! It was Ethan's (and my) best day that Gary has been gone. Here is a picture of Ethan and Zsuzsi. He will be 4 months old on Monday, and Zsuzsi is a little over 5 months old. I think that Ethan looks like a football player next to her.
This is a typical picture to show how Americans dress their children and how Hungarians dress their children in warm weather. It was about 80 degrees on Tuesday. Ethan- short sleeves, shorts, no socks; Zsuzsi- long sleeves, pants, and socks. Edit and I just laugh about it.
I also have to brag about my wonderful husband. He e-mailed Emily and Laura from Poland and asked them to buy me flowers and bring to me when they came over Monday night. It was so sweet when they showed up and said that these were from my husband. He is so thoughtful!

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