Monday, October 29, 2012

Traveling with Gary’s Parents

We were able to take a trip to the mountains in Austria for a few days while Gary’s parents were here. Gary and I didn’t have a vacation this year, so it was nice to go to the mountains for a few days.  Outside of God and my family the mountains are the love of my life.  I miss them desperately.  For those of you reading this who don’t know, I came from a mountainous place and God put me in a flat country surrounded by countries with mountains.

DSCN0301 Everyone looking up at God’s splendor.

DSCN0323 Some family shotsDSCN0339

DSCN0275Taking a “play” break after eating lunch by the lake.DSCN0276

DSCN0213Ethan and Sienna enjoyed seeing the swans almost everywhere we went in Hallstatt.  At one point we saw 7 swans a-swimming, so of course, we had to sing the one line of the Christmas carol. DSCN0253

DSCN0543 I love this picture! 

DSCN0379We did a day trip to Lake Gossau one day while in Austria.   

DSCN0430The weather was perfect, and the scenery was beautiful.DSCN0498

DSCN0519Ethan loved throwing rocks in the lake, but this was the kids’ favorite part.  Thankfully I had a change of clothes for each of them because they got soaking wet, top and bottom.

DSCN0601We couldn’t fit everyone in our car, so we borrowed someone’s van for this trip.  It happened to be a Toyota Sienna, so of course, we had to get a picture of our Sienna with it.

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