Sienna had her 15-month check up recently. She is almost at the 10th percentile for body weight (meaning that 90% of other girls her age weigh more than she does). She still eats a lot, so this puzzles us. The pediatrician is not concerned, and it’s better than the 5th percentile that she was at during her 12-month check-up.Sienna loves to have her teeth brushed (though, as you can see above, she still only has 4!). Every time she is taken in the bathroom to wash her hands or face she points to the cabinet wanting her toothbrush.
When she gets excited she starts shaking all over and often kicks her legs and feet. The nursery workers at church laugh at how she does this. Some of the things that get her excited are seeing a banana (which she loves to eat), getting ready to brush her teeth, going outside, the swing, bouncing up and down on the bed, seeing Mommy or Daddy after they’ve been gone.Ethan makes her laugh a lot (much more so than Mommy or Daddy do). Course, he makes her cry more than we do too. :-) One of the ways that he makes her laugh is when he makes a lot of noise (typically pounding something or dumping all of the kitchen toys out in the floor). Sienna has definitely picked up things from Ethan such as pounding the kitchen with a hammer.
This is her “push toy.” We don’t have any, but this little chair works great.
Sienna loves to look at books, play with balls, and play peek-a-boo. She especially enjoys to put the basketball in the hoop. She also enjoys stuffed animals, which Ethan never really got into (though, he is starting to get into it now, at age 3).