I can’t believe that in one more month Sienna will be 12 months old!Sienna is able to get from a lying position to a sitting position, but she still hasn’t started crawling yet. She goes backwards, turns around, and manages to move from one place to another, but she won’t crawl forward. She tends to put one leg up like she is doing in this picture below.
She seems much more interested in rattles and other types of toys than Ethan when he was her age. She also puts a lot more in her mouth than Ethan did—except food, that is. She will pick food up with her hands, but she won’t put it in her mouth. And, if I hold a piece of food up to her mouth and try to put it in, she won’t open her mouth. However, if I put the same food on a spoon, she will open her mouth and eat it. I have tried to give her kiwi, even on a spoon, several times, and she still won’t eat it. She is starting to eat some foods that are just cooked, like broccoli or pears, but she prefers pureed food. So, I’m going to have to do more work than I did with Ethan to get her to feed herself and eat foods that aren’t pureed.
She is still trying some new foods sometimes, like persimmons (which Gary, Ethan, and I all tried for the first time last summer), but I am mostly doing more of a variety of things such as homemade tomato soup, chicken noodle soup, beef stew, Mexican casserole, etc. (and, of course, whatever fruits and veggies I can get here).
I can’t believe how much she eats. She usually goes through about 9 cubes of food per meal (I freeze her food in ice cube trays and then pop them out to store). And, I’m giving her starches and protein in her lunch and dinner meals too. I was so excited to get these two pictures! It’s so difficult for me to get a picture of Sienna and Ethan both smiling and looking at the camera.
And, Ethan usually won’t keep his arm around Sienna when I’m trying to take a picture, but he cooperated this particular day.
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