Thursday, September 30, 2010

Last Day with Papa and Nana

Sunday was our last day together before Kent and Debbie returned to the US.IMG_6351Ethan loves to sweep and vacuum.  Debbie was just going to vacuum the rug, but Ethan wanted to vacuum the rest of the living room.  This chore may be able to start really soon. :-)IMG_6369My mom made a little picture book from Ethan’s time in NC last fall.  He likes us to get it down so he can look through the pictures of people he knows… mainly himself.  He wanted to look through it soon before it was bedtime, so showed us that he wanted to see it and climbed in Gary’s lap to look.IMG_6384Ethan picked a book out to read while sitting on Papa’s lap before bedtime.  Kent and Debbie had to leave before he woke the next morning, so this was their last time together until we return to the States next fall.

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